FINEZ Pepiliyana Concept Store Opening
Colombo saw the addition of a fresh curated on-stop lifestyle store, Finez Concept Store, that was unveiled to the public recently. The store that offers locally crafted contemporary furniture, homeware products, decorative items and interior design services all under one roof, was officially launched under the patronage of the Leader of the Opposition Sajith Premadasa and other distinguished guests, well-wishers, suppliers and customers. The entity is headed by Dhanushka Fernando, an award-wining entrepreneur. He has brought about a progressive evolution of his brand with a great many innovations being lovingly planned and is changing how the industry operates by adopting a unique business model.“Furniture may be a status symbol for some, but we want to go beyond this traditional notion. Our business is designing functional furniture, retailing homeware and decorative products with a strong focus on evolving market trends and dynamics,” said Fernando, Founder/CEO Finez Capital Ventures.
Launching Finez Concept Store was a significant step in taking the business beyond the woodworking and furniture manufacturing industry, which has barely changed for generations, he said. “We were able to bring people together with new thinking while also setting up two fully-fledged factories where the focus was on introducing new designs and creating a unique brand identity. We realized that the strength of small woodwork businesses is vital to our continuous growth,” added Fernando. Under the company’s business model, woodwork businesses are provide with financial aid, training, and skill development facilities. “They are an integral part of our growth strategy and we believe that the only growth a company could achieve is collective growth,” pointed out Fernando. Commenting on the store launch, Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa highlighted the export potential of the local furniture manufacturing industry and added that emerging businesses in the local market should be facilitated to tap into the regional market.
“This is a challenging time for businesses and I am glad FINEZ has taken a bold step by launching the Finez Concept Store. Such innovative and bold initiatives are needed to overcome the current challenges we face, as a nation,” Premadasa said. Having made its entry into the Sri Lankan market in 2015 as a furniture shop, Finez went on to redefine the industry by designing and manufacturing a creative and unique collection of furniture products combined with superior customer service. The business expanded rapidly bringing together a unique ecosystem encompassing local carpenters and craftsmen from Moratuwa, interior designers, home decorators, apartment dwellers, high-rise builders, and many others who have placed their trust in the brand.
Finez Concept Store continues to be part of Finez Capital Ventures, a diversified organization that is also engaged in the fields of manufacturing & retailing, planning and execution of residential and commercial interior projects, providing corporate branding, signage & outdoor advertising solutions, retailing of homeware and decor products and capital investments for SMEs. As part of a continued growth and expansion strategy, www.finez.lk was launched as a fully-fledged eCommerce platform. In recognition of its outstanding contributions in its field, Finez was presented with the ‘Asia’s Outstanding Furniture Brand Excellence Award for the year 2020/2021’ during the prestigious Asia Awards – Asia’s No.1 Brand Excellence Awards show. Additionally, the company was one of the first in the industry to commence marketing on digital and social media platforms back in 2015. Currently, it has over 170,000 followers on social media.